W.H.Boyer, Inc Landscape Services

W.H.Boyer, Inc Landscape Services

What is the biggest misconception about the industry?

The industry is not seen as professional as other industries. This could not be further from the truth. At our core sits a group of professionals who play a vital role in the daily installation and maintenance of some very complex projects. Supporting this core group of professionals is another core group of professionals who bring our projects to life through design, estimating, project management, production management and purchasing. Together, these groups of very talented professionals change the way people experience the environments they live and work in.

What is your biggest current challenge at work?

Entry level crew labor is an ongoing concern plaguing our industry. The H2B program which we have benefited from for over a decade to supplement our crew level opportunities has become difficult to rely upon. We must figure out a way to "excite" the younger generations to consider the Landscape Industry as a viable option as a rewarding career path.

What keeps you up at night?


What project is your company most proud of?

There are too many to count as we are celebrating not only 25 years of being a proud ABC member but 60 years of servicing the Baltimore /Washington and Northern Virginia marketplace. If I had to name just a few, The Jefferson Memorial Renovation and Lincoln Memorial Renovation would be at the top.

How does your ABC membership help your company?

Being an ABC member provides us the opportunity to build relationships with other industry professionals.

What did you want to be when you grew up?

I wanted to be a pilot when I grew up. I was and still remain fascinated with flight. Unfortunately, Migraine headaches and the temporary sight impairment as a result of them kept me out of the pilot’s seat.

What do you look forward to each day?

I look forward to something GREAT happening!!!

What are you like to work for?

I stay focused on the power of a positive mental attitude and strong work ethic. The sign on my office door states "never, never, never give up" All of us can achieve amazing accomplishments when those two traits are combined. I would assume everyone at W.H.Boyer, Inc. would say I challenge them to become the best version of themselves by combining those two traits.

What is your favorite Metro Washington hangout/restaurant?

The Point - Restaurant in Arnold Maryland can provide not only the most amazing food experience. It will also provide a mental vacation with its waterfront setting.

Who would you trade places with for a day?

A lead singer of an Iconic Rock & Roll Band. I would like to experience the energy of stadium crowd singing your song back to you.

What is your favorite movie or TV show?

Airplane repo, I am addicted to the suspense and of course the planes!!!

What do you do for fun?

The intensity of my work life requires my "fun" time to be low key. You can catch my wife and I exploring small towns, supporting the local shop keepers, and enjoying the local fare. If that small town happens to be a waterfront town the experience is even better. When football season rolls around, I am a proud Ravens fan. GO RAVENS!!!

What business/career advice do you wish you had when you began?

I would like to rephrase that question to, what business advice did I receive when I began that helped pave the road to success? Always help others get what they want, they will return the favor over and over again. Everyone benefits from relationships that work this way.

What book are you currently reading?

Permission to Feel. The book is an exploration into the subject of enhanced Emotional Intelligence. I am fascinated with the power of human emotions. One of my favorite quotes to live by is, "people may forget what you have said but they will never forget how you made them feel."

What was your first job?

Swept floors in a Maidenform Bra Factory where my God Father was the General Manager. This "job placement" was orchestrated by my Mother and God Father and was intended to convince me to go to trade school or college. Turned out it worked!

W.H. Boyer, Inc. Landscape Services is one of the most experienced full service Landscape Companies in the Baltimore/Washington and Northern Virginia marketplace. Established in 1960, this year marks our 60th year in business. We are proud of the strong relationships we have forged through the years with the regions Landscape Architects,General Contractors and Developers. We are excited about the next 60 years and the opportunities that will present themselves as a result of our unwavering focus on quality, value and an exceptional customer experience. 

Evan Diamond
Vice President

W.H. Boyer, Inc Landscape Services