What keeps you up at night?
Labor issues and collections
What project is your company most proud of?
We are proud of many of our overseas projects with the state department
How does your ABC Membership help your company?
It has been instrumental to our growth and the growth of merit shops all over the country. Being a member opens new doors to networking with others in the industry as well as legislation help. ABC fights the good fight every day! I might not be where I am today if it wasn't for their support.
Tell us something no one in the industry knows about you.
I wanted to play professional tennis
What are you like to work for?
I expect everyone to work hard, but at the same time I am fair and understand individual’s priorities may not all be the same as mine.
What do you do for fun?
I enjoy going out on my boat and fishing. I also enjoy hunting.
What business/career advice do you wish you had when you began?
I wish I had taken more accounting classes
What book are you currently reading?
Just a few trade journals
What was your first job?
Selling frog legs to a restaurant