JRA & Associates Contracting

JRA & Associates Contracting

What is the biggest misconception about the industry?
That construction workers don't get paid good wages and you need a college degree to be successful.

What is your biggest current challenge at work?
Shortage of higher skilled installers. And more recently, inflation!!!!

What keeps you up at night?
The uncertain economic future of the country.

What project is your company most proud of?
Renovations to the African American Museum for the Smithsonian Institute due to it's relevance to civil rights in the US.

How does your ABC membership help your company?
ABC offers a comradery among it's members to where you feel there is already a connection when you meet another member. That commonality makes networking easier which can lead to more business partners.

What did you want to be when you grew up?
An accountant.

Tell us something no one in the industry knows about you.
I have only had 1 job in my life before starting this company.

What do you look forward to each day?
My two kids and my husband, they are really great people!

What are you like to work for?
I feel like I am easy to work for, I remember what it was like to be an employee so I try to keep that in mind when dealing with my staff. I try to treat everyone as an equal and valuable part of the team.

What is your favorite metro Washington hangout/restaurant?
Texas Ribs in Clinton. It's a local spot and the food is always good.

Who would you trade places with for a day?
Oprah. Just to know what it feels like to not have to do a dam thing for yourself!

What is your favorite movie or tv show?
It was Dexter, still need to watch the new spin-off though.

What do you do for fun?
Garden and shoot guns! I'm pretty good at both.

What business/career advice do you wish you had when you began?
Take the tests and get your formal trade licenses.

What book are you currently reading?
Who has time for books, I'm lucky if I can squeeze in a magazine.

What was your first job?
My first and only job started as the receptionist for KT Mechanical. I worked in all aspects of the company and moved up the ranks over a period of 23 years. That is how I gained the knowledge to establish and run a mechanical contracting business.

JRA & Associates Contracting was formed to become a leading female, minority-owned construction firm in the Washington Metro area. To pursue mechanical and general contracting as well as design build opportunities in the commercial, state and federal markets. We pride ourselves in the quality and safety of our projects.

In business since 2007.


Joy Anderson


JRA & Associates Contracting