Field Control Analytics

Field Control Analytics

What is the biggest misconception about the industry?

People think access control is site security. Access control is the first tool in the armoury that is necessary in order to make construction sites safer and more accountable. If you have data that tells you who is on your site, when they got there and what their credentials are then you have the data you need to manage your resources effectively.

What is your biggest current challenge at work?

It goes back to Q1, access control is not just a turnstile and a swipe badge for large projects; access control is really a field productivity tool that can be used on projects big and small. Using any combination of phone apps, badge readers and the traditional turnstile allows owners, contractors and sub-contractors the ability to see actionable worker data which transforms payroll and digitises certification management and OCIP/CCIP compliance. These are challenges the industry face, our challenge is to show the industry that the solution is already here.

What keeps you up at night?

I sleep soundly knowing that we are helping our partners shift their on-site work culture. The people who are up at night are the contractors that have no means of knowing who is on their job site, whether or not the people on their site are qualified to do the job they are there to do and ultimately they don't know if they will be able to deliver the project on time and within budget. That's where we come in and I invite the ABC community to wake me up at night if necessary so we can help them sleep.

What project is your company most proud of?

I could name landmark NFL stadiums, internationally renowned airports, infrastructure projects that are economic drivers in towns and cities across the country or affordable housing projects where we have played our part in transforming the communities of those who need it most. But our biggest project is continuing to help clients and projects in every corner of the country. Being able to work on $15m interior renovations through to $1b super-structures means we can serve over 200 active projects, that makes me most proud.

How does your ABC membership help your company?

We are privileged to have been members of the ABC in various chapters for almost 20 years. The opportunity to be a part of different committees and understanding the challenges the industry faces means that we are able to provide tech solutions to age-old problems. This is intrinsically linked to our mission statement: Re-imagining technology to advance worker data & analytics.

What did you want to be when you grew up?

To be happy and also to play for Manchester United, I'm halfway there.

What is your favorite Metro Washington hangout/restaurant?

Barcelona on 14th Street reminds me of Europe. I also love seeing the monuments at night.

What business/career advice do you wish you had when you began?

The opportunity to study and work in different countries and experience a different work/life balance is invaluable. It is a great opportunity to grow professionally and personally.

What book are you currently reading?

I recently finished The Terror Courts: Rough Justice at Guantanamo Bay by Jess Bravin and A Season With Verona by Tim Parks, I would highly recommend both.

What was your first job?

When I was about 10 my dad and I would sell towels at what in England they call a car boot sale and is similar to a flea market, you are never too young to develop a work ethic.

Field Control Analytics is an access control and workforce data reporting group. Site access is controlled through RFID badges which capture who is on-site in real-time and ensure that workers are accounted for at all times. Site access is automated, and access is dependent on workers having correct safety accreditation and other project specific requirements. FCA’s system provides you with crucial data to help with project management, safety compliance and demographic reporting.

Guido Mangani

Field Control Analytics