Reimbursement and Tax Credits


Business Reimbursement and Tax Credits

There are reimbursement and tax credits that businesses may qualify for when hiring and training employees. 


Reimbursement Programs

Maryland Business Works

This program provides training funds that can be used to upgrade the skills of current employees while creating opportunities for new hires in in-demand occupations and skills, including registered apprentices more >

Apprenticeship Tax Credits

Maryland's Registered Apprenticeship Tax Credit

The Maryland Apprenticeship Tax Credit provides a State income tax credit to Registered Apprenticeship Sponsors or participating employers (Employer) which hire an eligible Registered Apprentice(s). The Employer may qualify for a $1,000 tax credit for each eligible Registered Apprentice.  more >

Hiring Tax Credits

Work Opportunity Tax Credit

The Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) is a Federal tax credit available to employers for hiring individuals from certain target groups who have consistently faced significant barriers to employment.  more  >


Maryland employers can use DLLR's Work Opportunity Tax Credit electronic system.  more >


Maryland's Disability Employment Tax Credit

The Maryland Disability Employment Tax Credit (MDETC) is a Maryland State tax credit that allows employers to claim credit for employees with disabilities hired on or after December 31, 2014.  more >

Maryland's Hire Our Veterans Tax Credit 

This program provides a State income tax credit to small businesses for hiring qualified veterans based on wages paid to those veteran employees.  more >

Maryland's Enterprise Zone Tax Credit 

This one-to-three year Maryland state tax credit is available to employers in the designated Enterprise Zones who hire for newly created full-time jobs. A one-time credit for each new employee and a three-year credit for hiring an employee who is economically disadvantage (as determined by the Maryland Job Service).  more >