Leadership Development Program

Competitive Advantage

Deadline Extension

Leadership Development Program

ABC’s Leadership Development Program (LDP) is a structured yet customizable action plan that cultivates the holistic skills required for executive leadership. Individuals selected for this program are often sought out as “rising stars” in their companies, with distinct qualities of character, command and intelligence. LDP graduates develop fundamental skills that bring great value to the individuals and their employers. The program helps participants:

  • further their leadership skills and professional development
  • learn more about ABC and increase their involvement in the association
  • demonstrate their desire and ability to serve as a leader of our industry

Throughout the 17-month cycle, program participants take part in both required coursework as well as elective activities to earn credits towards the completion of the program.

They also benefit from interacting with a team of construction industry professionals who serve as mentors and share their stories, advice, experience and fellowship.


  • Applicant must be employed by a member in good standing of ABC of Metro Washington and must not have previously held a position on ABC’s Board of Directors.
  • Applicant must be able to complete and sign this application and obtain the Employer’s full support, showing a commitment to giving the personal and financial resources necessary for completing this program.
  • Applicant must have at least three (3) years of experience specific to the construction industry (experience is subject to LDP Advisors’ discretion).


LDP tuition is $2,500; the approximate additional cost for required activities is $1,800. Other fees depend on the electives chosen. 


Submit Online Application, Required Documents, and Payment by October 6, 2023

1) Download and review the Leadership Development Guidelines and Sample 2024-2025 Application

2) Submit Online Application, required documents, and $2,500 payment:

Online Application Options (choose one method of payment along with online application)


 Questions: Email ABC Staff or call 301-595-9711.

Leadership Development participants are eligible for:
J.P. Blase Cooke Leadership Achievement Award

The J.P. Blase Cooke Leadership Achievement Award was created to recognize one stand-out graduate from each cycle of the program who truly demonstrates leadership skills and a commitment to the industry and our chapter. The award is in honor of one the industry's greatest leaders, Blase Cooke of Harkins Builders. 



Leadership Development Class

Graduation Leadership Development Class 2022-2023


Megan Ross Quote