Management Education

Management Education

The Management Education program is led by a committee of industry professionals representing general contractors, specialty contractors, suppliers and industry associates (finance, legal, technology, insurance, and business consulting). This group discusses current trends and educational topics influencing members’ businesses and their employees’ professional growth. 

Management Education

Management Education provides a variety of professional development seminars and trade-related education programs for the construction industry. A wide range of management training opportunities are created and offered year-round, promoting a focus on improving the knowledge base and expertise of all member employees. Review the calendar for upcoming education events >

Leadership Development Program

ABC’s Leadership Development Program (LDP) is a structured yet customizable action plan that cultivates the holistic skills required for executive leadership. Individuals selected for this program are often sought out as “rising stars” in their companies, with distinct qualities of character, command and intelligence. LDP graduates develop fundamental skills that bring great value to the individuals and their employers.   more >

Peer groups

Peer Groups consist of 10-12 ABC of Metro Washington member companies (one attendee per company). The mission of the Peer Groups is to discuss best practices, offering like-minded professionals an environment conducive to sharing ideas and discussions with the goal of improving their businesses. Our current Peer Groups include: Estimating, Safety, Human Resources and Marketing. Have an idea for a Peer Group? Contact Us.  

Student Chapters

ABC Student Chapters are simply micro chapters within area colleges and universities. ABC of Metro Washington, through its Student Chapters, seeks to provide a positive image of construction and to attract high quality candidates to the industry. In addition to being eligible for scholarships, students belonging to an ABC Student Chapter benefit by being able to interact with construction industry professionals at ABC general meetings.   more >