

Beam Club

ABC of Metro Washington Beam Club members are the foundation for the future of ABC and merit shop construction. These members support ABC in the most fundamental way - by recruiting quality firms as new members.

Individuals that sponsor five new ABC members are automatically enrolled in the Beam Club. As that individual recruits and sponsors more new members, they move higher and higher into the ranks of ABC's greatest members and supporters. And this includes great prizes and rewards as they reach each level.

Members from the Metro Washington Chapter of ABC that are in this exclusive club are listed below.

100+ new members sponsored

50-99.5 new members sponsored

ONCORE Construction Consulting Group - Robert J. MacDaniels (92.5)
Anglemyer Construction - Jim Anglemyer (84)
Commercial Group - Scott Vossler (56)
Pillar Construction, Inc. - Eric Tievy (52)


25-49.5 New members sponsored

Alliant Insurance Services, Inc. - Joseph R. Wolf (40.5)
Clark Construction Group, LLC - Wes Stith (34.5)
Donohoe Construction Company - Stephen J. Donohoe (32)
Prodigy Builders LLC- Tom Bizzarri (25)


15-24.5 new members sponsored

Mallick Mechanical - Kenneth V. Mallick, Jr. (22.5)
DAVIS Construction - Bennie Kovach (20.5)
Penzance Brandon L. Ripley (22)
The Justin Company - Don Owen (19-retired)
Ernest Maier, Inc. - Deborah Murphy (17-retired)
Hess Mechanical/Comfort Systems USA - Katharine Hess Teitel (17-retired)
Christopher L. Grant, Attorney at Law - Chris Grant (15.5-retired)
Lane Concrete Frames - Paul Barry (15)
Miller & Long Co., Inc. - John McMahon (15)



10-14.5 members sponsored

The Millstone Companies - John Miller (14.5)
Hess Mechanical/Comfort Systems USA - Gary Hess (14-retired)
Coakley & Williams Construction, Inc. - Greg Harraka (13)
PCC Construction Components, Inc. Leigh Press (13)

Goldin & Stafford, LLC - Brian Mattingly (12)
Well Built Construction Consulting - John Livingston (12)
Henley Construction Co., Inc. - Buddy Henley (11.5)
Grinnell Leadership - Kevin Lapanne (11)
Lanigan, Ryan, Malcolm & Doyle, P.C. - Jeff Lavore (11)
Goldin & Stafford, Inc. - Ralph Goldin (10-retired)
Clark Construction Group, LLC - William I. Magruder (10)
Chesapeake Contracting Group - Steve Kuligowski (13)

5-9.5 members sponsored

Aggregate Industries - James Russ, Sr. (9.5 retired)
Joseph J. Magnolia, Inc. - John D. Magnolia (8.5)
Donohoe Construction Company - Jeff Donohoe (9)
Gilford Corporation - Steve Sullivan (8)
Donohoe Construction Company - Neil J. Stablow (8)
Consigli Construction - Michelle Evans (9.5)
Gilford Corporation - Henry Gilford (7.5)
Clark Construction Group, LLC - Jim Kinkead (7)
Maryland Applicators, Inc. - Kevin W. Stuart (7)
Blackwood of DC, LLC - Jason Haislip (6)
Harkins Builders, Inc. - Tom Capps (6)
Scaffold Resource, LLC - Tara Minner (6)
Ryan & Wetmore - Amy Dunn (6)

Coakley & Williams Construction - Eric Van Why (6)
Hardesty Concrete Construction, Inc. - Michael Burlas (5.5)
Sentral Services Commercial Cleaning - Jeannie Kurtz (5.5)
MCN Build Inc. - Rick Munford (5.5)
Redbrick LMD - Paul Elias (5.5)
Coakley & Williams Construction - Lynn Stith Bennett (5.5)
Marsh & McLennan Agency LLC - Troy Snyder (5.5)
Brightview Landscape Development - Shane Carmadella (5)
Cohen Seglias Pallas Greenhall & Furman PC - Jackson Nichols (5)
G.E. Frisco, Inc. - Neil Agarwal (5)
Miller & Long Co., Inc. - Andrew Dolan (5)