Winston's Fireplace and Venting

Winston's Fireplace and Venting

What is the biggest misconception about the industry?
That everyone would be ultra-competative. On the contrary, there is a feeling of abundance and comraderie.

What is your biggest current challenge at work?
Cash flow. Being able to close out jobs so we can invoice it.

What project is your company most proud of?
The fireplace installation in the new American Airlines Lounge at Reagan International Airlines with Whiting-Turner.

How does your ABC membership help your company?
Education and networking.

What did you want to be when you grew up?
Part business owner, part ocean fisherman and part beach goer.

Tell us something no one in the industry knows about you.
Before I started my fireplace and chimney company, I sold advertising time for WASH-FM Easy 97, straight out of college at the University of Kansas.

What do you look forward to each day?
Leading my team to completion on complex jobs.

What are you like to work for?
Fun, but demanding.

What is your favorite metro Washington hangout/restaurant?
Eddie V's in Tyson's Corner has a great vibe and better food.

Who would you trade places with for a day?
One of my installers on a job where I get out from behind my desk and get my hands dirty again.

What is your favorite movie or tv show?
Unfortunately I have the humor of a 15 year old boy, so most movies with Will Farrell; Step Brothers, Talladega Nights, Old School.

What do you do for fun?
Walking the woods with a cigar, shooting at my outdoor range and scuba diving.

What business/career advice do you wish you had when you began?
Get into commercial work at the beginning.

What book are you currently reading?
Who Not How by Dan Sullivan. As entrepreneurs we are spending too much time on actions that could be carried out by someone else who could do it faster and better than us. Weather it is designing marketing pieces or negotiating contracts, if we stay in our lanes and farm out the things we do not excell in, we will move faster and more effectively.

What was your first job?
At 13 years old I washed dishes in a chinese restaurant in the Chicago suburbs.


Winston's Fireplace and Venting works with General Contractors and mechanical contractors to install fireplaces in lobbies, restaraurants, casinos and multi-family projects as well as provide venting services for water heaters and boilers. We have been installing fireplaces and venting since 1989.

Chuck Hall

Chuck Hall
