What is the biggest misconception about the industry?
A big misconception is that we just do small print like banners. flyers and business cards. The reality is we also specialize in electrical signs, interior signs, ADA compliant signs and vehicle wraps. We are large format printers and installers.
What is your biggest current challenge at work?
We struggle with finding skilled labor. Commercial signage requires specific skills within the trades. Most candidates specialize in one thing like woodwork, metal fabrication or a niche in graphic design. We focus on finding the right candidate, then we get them trained up on using lifts and bucket trucks and our industry in general.
What keeps you up at night?
My WIP or work in progress list. We want to deliver the highest level of service possible at all times. We differentiate ourselves by managing the project and taking it off the clients hands. We want our clients to trust that we have it all covered, because we are the signage and print experts. As the owner and GM, I tend to worry about us missing a step in the process. All we truly have is our credibility
What project is your company most proud of?
We are proud of the multi-location rebranding work we did for Northwest Federal Credit Union, Capital Bank, and AVIS/Budget. We also manage truck wraps nationally for Southland Industries. We get to see our work everywhere, so there is a reason to be proud everyday.
How does your ABC membership help your company?
Our ABC membership gives up access to companies we want to do business with. It provides access to people we want to learn from and more importantly, insight to businesses we want to model ourselves after.
What did you want to be when you grew up?
Investment banker.
Tell us something no one in the industry knows about you.
I'm really into punk rock and Crossfit.
What do you look forward to each day?
Taking my sons to soccer practice, eating junk food with them for dinner.
What are you like to work for?
Its a bit of a mix when you work for me. I'm a bit of a tyrant when it comes to systems and processes, but I encourage some individualism in the way they run their part of the business. I can also be scatter brained. I'm lucky to have people I consider friends on my team. I like a little fun competition at the shop. I believe main role is to support the team.
Who would you trade places with for a day?
My dog Ruby... Oh to be so pampered by my wife.
What do you do for fun?
My kids soccer games. I research and collect Bourbon, wine and cigars.
What business/career advice do you wish you had when you began?
Start now! The perfect is the enemy of the good.
What was your first job?
I worked at Best Buy. The good old days.